Thursday, 26 June 2008

Sexual Scripts.

I was recently reading about sexual scripts that all have potential influence on someone's sexuality.
These were divided into three areas:

1) Cultural Script - A model of correct sexual behaviour provided by a particular culture i.e. by social authorities, but different social authorities provide different scripts which may also contradict one another ( teachers, the law, the church, parents ) and this therefore requires an individual to choose and blend them.

2) Interpersonal Script - A model of how sexual partners should interact with each other. A set of rules developed and followed by a couple before, during and after sexual contact. These are usually rules adapted by an individuals from the cultural rules.

3 )Intrapsychic Script - this is the individuals sexual behaviour patterns that have been developed in response to the various scripts provided by the social authorities and also in response to their own experiences with sexual partners.

I wondered if there was not also an innate script in people ?
And also when you have all of these scripts interwoven together in some way, which scripts shouts the strongest and how this differs between people, and is influenced in different people.

Any thoughts?

1 comment:

Francesca said...

Do you mean an internal script that is different for every person? I've certainly always been conscious of how some of my internal scripts play out in my sexuality today - some of which were formed when I was pre-verbal, I think. And I'm sure there are others that I am not aware of.