Wednesday, 11 June 2008

The value of sexual expression.

The value and importance that each individual places on acknowledging, exploring and expressing their sexuality varies greatly. This is determined by lots of things; how it sits alongside their own values, the very practical possibilities that their individual circumstances allow, as well as the many societal views that each of us have been conditioned to believe in. I also wonder how the freedom that each individual has or doesn't have to fully express their sexuality, impacts on the value they give it too?

In the majority of my professional guises I am working in the area of Social Innovation, constantly confronted by the very real social challenges that need addressing to create a more compassionate, equitable and sustainable world. There are times that I have questioned my own values in wanting to give time to the area of sexuality when I have thought that perhaps all of my time could be spent working on making the world a better place. But I still come back to it, and not only because it is the area I have chosen to focus on for my MSc but also because I just believe that sexual expression can lead to a more meaningful life, which in turn can inspire and energise people to want to engage in other areas of life. 

I wonder how sexual expression can find itself a less-judged and more outwardly significant place within human experience?

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