Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Express Yourself.

I am at the start of my final research paper for my MSc in Positive Psychology. The paper is a qualitative study looking to understand how people experience sexual expression, how their sexual expression relates to their overall well-being and what value people place on exploring and expressing their sexual selves.

This blog is where I will start talking about my research, and share with you the ideas and visions that I have for a future whereby sexual expression is given an importance beyond just momentary pleasure, where people give themselves permission to explore what sexual expression means to them, and hopefully find ways to fully integrate their sexuality, whatever it may be, into their lives. 

I am not saying that everyone may wish to do this, but I hope that for those people whose sexuality feels like a pressing, powerful and fundamental part of who they are, from which they draw great energy, can find ways to understand and accept that about themselves, learn how to express it in their lives in a balanced and  joyful way, and to find others that they can share it with.

That is my hope for everyone.

And I am passionate about finding ways to make conversations about all of this happen. I am always amazed at how people's eyes light up when they find that they are finally in a space where they feel safe and relaxed to talk about it. My belief is that more people would like to talk about all of this - they just don't know how or they don't give themselves permission to. 

Hopefully people will start talking here.


Anonymous said...

Some people look down on a submissive male as if he weren't "manly" enough if he wants a woman to dominate him in bed.
This is a sexual preference which doesn't necessarily make him a weakling. As a matter of fact, many times the macho guy is actually insecure about his masculinity and abusing a woman may be manly to him, but is really a sign of weakness.

Cassie said...

Thank you for your comment and I agree that a man who is true to his submissive nature is not weak at all, if anything the opposite. Someone who is able to show their vulnerability in such a way is incredibly strong.

However, I'd be more keen to hear, and feel that it is more relevant to this blog, how such a person finds a way to be comfortable in expressing this so that however he feels he is perceived by others, does not impact on how he feels about himself.